Thursday, 1 August 2013


Did you miss me? Cos I sure did!

A very happy new month to you dear friends out there! In what appears to be the twinkling of an eye, what started as a place to write and inspire others has in 5 months kept me so busy and opened up doors to other opportunities, sometimes it appears unbelievable. In 5 months I have met some pretty incredible people and encountered stories so close to home they make me remember and appreciate the incredible power that lies in the heart of the human soul. 5 months? Yes 5 whole months. Someone once said the most important commodity handed to man is time. I agree with that line of thought, because indeed there is no amount to what you can achieve in what appears to be so little time if you put in the right effort and dedication.


In all of us lies the desire to succeed. At least I would like to believe that is the case. And I would love today to say something that I know you might not hear all the time: You are amazing and you are doing an amazing job! Whether its working that 9-5 shift, struggling with the challenges of putting together a business, studying full time or part time just so you can kick start your career, failing at one thing or the other or at best succeeding in one way or the other, or simply playing mom to those wonderful children of yours, YOU ARE amazing and don't let no one tell you otherwise! We all beat ourselves up trying to do more, serve more, or be more. We wonder whether what we are doing is good enough and whether we have achieved enough for our age or our level of education or the stage we are at in life. We are lost in thought at least 3 hours in a day, pondering ways in which we can be better, serve better or get more. For some of us, we had a definite plan as to where we want to be at a certain age, in career, relationship and our personal lives but alas life has thrown it's shockers and 3, 4, 5 years after our goal age we still are yet to tick all the boxes.

In all this we forget one thing and that's how far we have come. We are so busy looking at all that we still need to do, all the un-ticked boxes however many they are and forget the ticked ones however few they might appear. We allow ourselves to be consumed by what else needs to be done that we just simply ignore how well we have done so far! My post today is to remind you to look back and remind yourselves of the hurdles you have surmounted and if you have not yet found the courage to do so already tell you how superbly incredible and intensely talented and special you are! For once, take your eyes away from where we you are headed and look back with gratitude on how far you have come. And once you are done doing that, look ahead with faith and the belief that even if you are not there yet, you will get there in time.

All the best for the new month.

Love n cupcakes


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