Saturday 27 April 2013


I cannot count the number of times I have heard someone say they don't like water. While I love my water, I find that I do not necessarily get to consume that much of it in a day as I would have loved to as I find myself either so busy that I just don't remember (even though I carry a bottle with me almost always) or I am busy downing juices, tea, hot chocolate or any other drink that catches my fancy. We have heard so much about the health benefits of drinking lots of water everyday, but do not necessarily know how much of it our bodies need. Is there anything like too much water, or too little? Are there side-effects to drinking too much or too little water? If there are benefits to drinking gazzilions of water, surely there must be some issues that might arise if we do not? Some have said drinking loads of water will just make us take regular visits to the loo, but I find that even though that might be true, the more I drink water, the more I find my urine gradually changes colour from a light gold color to barely any color at all. That must be a sign of something good, right?

Water is, undoubtedly, good. Infact, the folks over at CellHealthMakeover believe that the body "cries out for water", because it needs it to function and function well. A lack of water causes dehydration and dehydration can lead to diseases such as hypertension, ulcers and arthritis. According to the website:

The truth is that dehydration can cause diseases like asthma , hypertension , ulcers, allergies and arthritis . Everyone knows that water is good for the body but not how essential water is to well-being. They don’t understand what happens to the body if it doesn’t receive its daily water requirements.
Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the flow of water. Water management is the only way of making sure that needed amounts of water and its nutrients first reach the more vital organs that have to confront and deal with stress.
Currently, the practitioners of medicine are unaware of the many chemical roles of water in the body. Because dehydration eventually causes loss of functions, the sophisticated signals given by water-regulating systems have been translated as indicators of unknown disease conditions. This is the most basic mistake of clinical medicine. It has prevented medical practitioners from being able to use preventative measures or offer simple physiological cures for major diseases.

So what to do?

As soon as you wake up, drink one to four eight-ounce glasses of room-temperature or slightly heated water through a straw. If you drink water from a glass or a bottle, you consume mostly air and feel bloated from all the air in your stomach. When you drink through a straw, you consume 95 percent water. You can drink four times as much before you feel full.
Add two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice to your water three times a day: upon rising, mid-afternoon, and in your final water intake in the evening. The juice will help alkalize your body and neutralize acids created from digesting certain foods or normal cellular metabolism.
One-half hour before each of your three meals drink one to two, eight-ounce glasses of water through a straw. If you do not have enough water in your stomach, digestion is impaired. Also, if the blood becomes too thick after eating because of lack of water, the blood will try to draw water from the cells. Water intake should precede food intake by half an hour. (Unfortunately, coffee, soft drinks, beer and regular tea do not count as daily water needs. Fruit and veggie juices do!)

By the time you are done reading this, I would have downed at least 750ml of water and I'm still going strong. If you find, like me, that you can't drink tap water and buying water is expensive, (and you are in the UK) try buying Tesco Value Still Water at only 17p for a 2litre bottle, trust me it tastes great and its good value too! I have heard it said that it is tap water in a bottle, but it tastes nothing like my tap water at home so there!  Try it and let me know your thoughts!

Now how's that for emptying your glass of water?

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